Monday 6 September 2010

A cool picture and an upcoming fashion... (I think.)

You know how the whole American '80s school uniform is coming back into the fashion stakes?

Well I think that the next big thing will be bowling shoes, just maybe without the smell...

And I do understand what you're thinking - as soon as you hear the words 'bowling shoes' you think of used, sweaty shoes that have been worn by millions of people before you.

But I'm just thinking of the style, because they have quite a distinct style, and if improved upon they could be fantastic.

Harem pants. No, just no.

Don't get me started on harem pants.
Actually do, because if I don't you might buy them.
Which is a freak of nature.
They just irritate me so much.
The way they hang there looking ridiculous and people think they look like they're from the Middle East - you don't, you just look really silly.

Sunday 5 September 2010

New Bloggie Blog.

So... this is it.
My very own fashion-ish blog.

Ok, so it isn't your normal fashion blog - I'll be mainly moaning about things that are So unrealistic that nobody will wear them, and other stuff, but it should be a fun time.

My first thing to moan about is this:

You see them bow's? Well I've been wearing them for aaaaaaaages, and now its going to seem like I'm just copying boring shops like Topshop! (I'll tell you about my problem with Topshop another time...)

Don't you just hate it when you've been wearing something for ages and someone else copies you?